kokie Celebrates The Assyrian Culture and People.

ct-1501.jpgComing Together in Skokie (CTIS) is celebrating the Assyrian Culture and People this year in a six-week program. It kicks-off January 29th and ends in a special event in March 22nd.

All aspects of the Assyrian culture will be explored and experienced, from music and food to language and history. Book reading is a big part of this event. Four major books will be learned and discussed to further understand the rich Assyrian culture.

The great epic poem Gilgamesh, translated by David Ferry, is the first known recorded literature discovered among the archaeological ruins of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal’s great library.
  Sahra=Moon is a lovely children’s bedtime story in both Assyrian and English. It is written by Romil Benyamino and illustrated by Victor Benyamino.
  Cecilia Barker Lottridge, Home Is Beyond the Mountains,
  Deborah Ellis, Children of War,

We invite you to come, learn from the books, enjoy the music and food, and spend a good time. The afternoon also includes a brief historical summary, art exhibit, Assyrian wedding practices, dancing, and the personal journey of Assyrian students now in District 219 schools.


The beloved Assyrian singer, Sargon Youkhanna, is featured in the opening ceremony on January 29th. Also, the famous Assyrian dance group, Khoushaba is performing for us that same day.

Opening Ceremony Details:
Location: Niles West High School, 5701 W. Oakton St.
Time: 2:30pm
Date: January 29th, 2012.

Coming Together in Skokie (CTIS) explores in depth a different culture each year through reading and discussing a common book, and enjoying a host of other exciting activities. CTIS’ first two projects showcased the Asian Indian and Filipino communities. Thousands of residents attended book sessions, lectures, dramas, and musical events for each celebration.


This year CTIS is featuring the Assyrian Culture in collaboration with ACSSM, Oriental Institute, Oakton College, Skokie Park District, Skokie Elementary and middle schools, Niles Township Schools ELL Parent Center, Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUAF), Assyrian National Council of Illinois (ANCI), Assyrian American Civic Club of Chicago, Niels North and Niles West High School Assyrian Clubs, and Sanford-Brown College.
