IDC Summit 2014: Middle Eastern Christians Shape a Response
By Ed Timperlake
Information War is now being engaged in by US and freedom loving people against ISIS.
We did an interview with Joseph Kassab and he described to us that there are many very decent and well intentioned individuals representing religions that are paying a terrible price by the murderous intent of ISIS.
Mr. Kassab just notified us of this conference, we are bringing it to our readers attention:
And with Secretary Hagel’s warning about ISIS attacking America every US talking head on TV defending Islam as the Religion of Peace or commenting on moral parity between Hamas –Vs Israel- should first denounce ISIS before they start any of their talking points.
Denouncing ISIS over and over really will begin to change the narrative for the good of our safety.
According to the description of the event by the organizers:
The primary purpose of the Summit is to bring all members of the Diaspora together in a newfound sense of unity.
Whether Orthodox or Catholic; Evangelical, Coptic or Maronite; Syriac, Lebanese, Chaldean or Assyrian – all Middle Eastern Christians will be called on to join together in solidarity.
This solidarity will strengthen advocacy efforts with policy makers and elected officials….
Thus united, Middle Eastern Christians will invite all people of good will to join the cause to defend the defenseless, to be a voice for those who are voiceless.
The survival of these historic Christian communities is not merely a moral imperative; it is in the interests of all nations and peoples of the West and the Middle East.
As noted in the May 7, 2014 “Pledge” of religious and human rights leaders, Middle Eastern Christians “have long been an integral part of the social fabric, and have contributed, alongside Muslims, to the construction of the Arab civilization.
They have had an especially formative role in promoting education, literacy, learning and health care,” which serve all people in the region.