Foreign Minister Davuto?lu received the representatives of Syriac community.

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Mr. Ahmet Davuto?lu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, received the representatives of Syriac community headed by ?stanbul Syriac Metropolitan Yusuf Çetin on July 19, 2013.

The situation of the Syriacs in Syria was high on the agenda of the meeting. The representatives of Syriac community thanked Turkey for the assistances provided to the Syrian people in Turkey as well as support and interest shown to the Syriacs in Syria.

Situation of Metropalitans Paul Yaz?c? and Yuhanna ?brahim who were kidnapped by armed groups near Alleppo on April 22, 2013 and are still being held hostage in Syria were also discussed. Stating that this kind of actions against clergymen are crime against humanity in nature Foreign Minister Davuto?lu stressed that Turkey strongly condemns the kidnapping of Syriac Metropolitans and will continue to make every effort for their recovery.