AUA Urges Australian Government to Endorse Self-Governing Assyrian Province

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The Australian Federal Government is being urged to make urgent representations to the Iraqi Government, concerning the plight of the Assyrians in Iraq.

The Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) Deputy Secretary General Mr Hermiz Shahen, together with the President of the Assyrian Australian National Federation( AANF), Mr. David M. David and member of the AUA from USA Mr. Yosep Betkolia conducted a number of meetings in Federal Parliament on Tuesday 30 November 2012.

“We are pleased to announce that the Assyrian delegation met with the Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, Senator the Hon. Bob Carr together with the Hon. Chris Bowen MP, Minister For Immigration and Citizenship”, Mr. Shahen said.

“The AUA delegates urged the Australian government to endorse and support the Nineveh Plain Province Solution which entails the development of a self-governed Assyrian province in the Nineveh Plain under the jurisdiction of the central government of the Federal Republic of Iraq. The Australian government to offer political supports in favor of this policy in its dealings with the government of Iraq, and assistance in providing direct financial aid for security and infrastructure development in the Nineveh Plain”, said Mr. Shahen.

The delegation presented the Minister with a submission together with other important documents and briefed the Ministers with the latest development in Iraq, the neglect of the Assyrian question and the discriminatory behaviour against Assyrians by illegally occupying and transferring Assyrian owned lands to Kurdish squatters.

The Nineveh Plain Province Solution is consistent with the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which has been recently endorsed by Australia. Pragmatically, it would not only be advantageous for Western countries to reduce Assyrian refugee and humanitarian migration, but they will also develop a lasting solution to the Assyrian refugee problem. There are many other minority groups, such as the Mandaeans, who would also benefit under the protected region. Self-administration and allocation of appropriate revenues (protected by legislation) would ensure that the capacity of Assyrians to sustain themselves is maintained. Mr. Shahen said.

The Assyrian Universal Alliance would like to thank the Honourable Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship for organising this meeting and for his sincerity and continued support over the years in raising the Assyrian issue with the Australian Government.

Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australian Chapter
PO Box 34, Fairfield NSW 1860 Australia.
E-mail: [email protected]