Adoremus – Pray for Christians denied the Sacraments

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By John Newton
PRAYER and action for Christians persecuted for their faith will be central to a leading Catholic charity’s contribution to Adoremus this weekend (7th-9th September).
Aid to the Church in Need will call on all those taking part in the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress to “Go to Mass for someone who can’t” – as an act of solidarity with Christians denied access to the Sacraments.
At the event in Liverpool, a special ACN focus on adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will highlight the experience of individuals who have drawn on the power of the Eucharist in times of persecution and oppression.
Speaking at the main event on Saturday (8th September) in the Liverpool Echo Arena, ACN’s John Pontifex will describe how people he has met in Iraq, Syria and Nigeria overcame hatred by turning to the Eucharist.
ACN’s Marie Fahy will call on all those at Adoremus to join the #Go2Mass campaign and spend time in adoration for those prevented from going to church.
Marie said: “If we really believe what we are taught about the power of the Eucharist and how our prayers can transform the world then why wouldn’t we sacrifice some time spent in Adoration – especially for those Christians who so often are persecuted and forgotten.”
At the Adoremus events, ACN staff and volunteers will be distributing cards, each telling the story of individuals persecuted for their Christian faith, and inviting people to remember them in their prayers.
ACN will have a stall at the event, organised by ACN’s North West office.
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Editor’s Notes

Aid to the Church in Need is a Pontifical Foundation directly under the Holy See. As a Catholic charity, ACN supports the faithful wherever they are persecuted, oppressed or in need through information, prayer, and action.

Founded in 1947 by Fr Werenfried van Straaten, whom Pope St John Paul II named “An outstanding Apostle of Charity”, the organisation is now at work in 140 countries throughout the world.

Undertaking thousands of projects every year, the charity provides emergency support for people experiencing persecution, transport for clergy and lay Church workers, Child’s Bibles, media and evangelisation projects, churches, Mass stipends and other support for priests and nuns and training for seminarians.

Aid to the Church in Need UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1097984) and Scotland (SC040748). ACN’s UK office is in Sutton, Surrey and there is a Scottish office in Motherwell, near Glasgow and another office based in Lancaster that covers the North-West.

Please always acknowledge Aid to the Church in Need as the source when using our material.

For more information, contact Senior Press Officer Dr John Newton on 020 8661 5167 or ACN Press and Digital Media Officer Murcadha O Flaherty on 020 8661 5175.

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