Offensive attack regarding a peaceful family in Baghdad; Father in serious health conditions and daughter throw herself from the forth floor

Offensive attack regarding a peaceful family in Baghdad; Father in serious health conditions and daughter throw herself from the forth floor / Exclusive
Fadi Kamal Yousif / / Baghdad office
The family of Mr. Salem Yousif Karash (from Baghdeda) came under attack by gunmen at 2.00PM last Tuesday at Zayouna District(Residential buildings)- Baghdad.
The gunmen looted the contents of the house, attack by hitting the family members including (the father, mother, two sons and two daughters).
The father Mr. Salem lost his consciousness and transferred to hospital due to intensive hitting, he is now in a very serious conditions, where the daughter Miss Lena Salem throw herself from the forth floor of the building for fear of kidnapping, she was transferred to hospital and underwent to extra major surgical brain operation, still unconscious and in serious status. The mother exposed to intensive nervous shock due to fear. Other outdoor family members survived.
In our meeting with the survival Mr. Raed Salem Yousif (Born on 1982/ Bachelor degree in Commercial Science) who told us about the regrettable accident of his family assured the unsafe and unsecured hard situation of our people in Baghdad.
The family headed to office to release the offensive attack happened in the capital Baghdad.