Commemorate ceremony on the fortieth memoirs of the great poet Sargon Polis in Erbil

92.jpgOn the occasion of the fortieth memoirs of the deceased the great poet Sargon Poles, a commemorate ceremony was held by the General Directorate of Syriac arts and culture in cooperation with its branch in Erbil to immortalize the memoirs of the great poet.
The ceremony was held on Wednesday 12/12/2007 at the Chaldean Cultural Association in Ankawa.
Tens of poets, writers and cultured in Erbil and arrivals from Sulaymania, Mosoul, Sahal Nenavah, Duhok and Kirkuk joined the ceremony besides governmental and political personalities.
The commemorative ceremony includes speeches made by the General director of the General Directorate of Syriac arts and culture, Head of Syriac writers union, Head of Kurdish writers union and members of the deceased family.
Church singers recites hymn and writers read his poems which were translated to Syriac and Kurdish languages.
In a meeting many writers expressed their feelings and assured the great deceased experience and effect in all Iraqi poems.
This ceremony is the first lings of the Syriac arts and culture activities to reward writers, artists and cultures.

