Yerevan Armenia – June 29, 2010
Proposed project of the Monument
The Assyrian Association of Armenia “Atour” is pleased to announce of its plan to build the genocide memorial at Yerevan city, Armenia. We are seeking your support to raise the funds needed to construct this memorial.
Proposed project of the Monument
The Assyrian Association of Armenia “Atour” is pleased to announce of its plan to build the genocide memorial at Yerevan city, Armenia. We are seeking your support to raise the funds needed to construct this memorial.
The total cost of building this memorial estimated at USD 36,000.00. We are depending on financial support from the Assyrian communities and our friends worldwide to build this memorial. We would like every Assyrian to have a share in this work by contributing to the construction of this historic monument.
The area which the monument will be constructed on is 16 sq. meters. The monument will have the high of 2.5 meters.
We will recognize all sponsors and contributors by publishing their names on the AUA website and also in the booklet prepared for the official opening ceremony of the memorial. Thank you for your support.
Please write “The Genocide Monument” when you donate the money

Yerevan Armenia – June 29, 2010
The Following text and pictures are copyrigt Assyria Liberation Party
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The Assyrian Association of Armenia “ATOUR” agreed at its Board meeting in November 2006 to work for the establishment of the Assyrian Genocide Memorial Monument. Since then the association has written letters to the Armenian authorities and other important establishments in Armenian society. This intense work has given results.
The Yerevan City Council approved on November 12th in 2008 the petition (№ 5261) on allocation of 16 sq. meters to the Assyrian Association of Armenia “ATOUR’’ for the monument.

“ATOUR” is pleased to announce that on February 5th in 2010 the mayor of Yerevan signed the decision (№ 01150-26847-13) which approved the authorization to arise a monument in Yerevan, honoring the victims of the Genocide on the Assyrian people during the years of 1915-1924 in the Ottoman empire.
We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation and gratitude to the Armenian Government and the officials of the city of Yerevan for their support on this important historical matter. The Armenian and Assyrian history goes back thousands of years. The two nations have been victimized because of their ethnicity and religious beliefs. Millions of Armenians and Assyrians have been massacred and executed throughout history. The two nations have had the same fate in the past and their continuous cooperation is of great importance.
The main objective of this project is to make sure that mankind and the future generation of Assyrians, remember the atrocities committed against our people, especially the Genocide perpetrated against the Assyrian, Armenian and the Pontiac Greeks by the Ottoman empire. At the same time the monument ensures that we will never forget our people who bravely gave their lives for the preservation of our culture, religious beliefs and ethnic identity.
These efforts are made mainly to attain justice through keeping alive the memory of all the victims by educating mankind about the guiding ideals of humanity. By instilling solidarity among all people, we can prevent any such horrors from occurring in the future.
On behalf of the Assyrian Armenian Association “ATOUR” and Assyrians worldwide, we thank all Yerevan Council members, particularly the Mayor, who believed in our work to make this possible. We would like to thank all the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian organizations and political associations/federations who supported us in this historical project.
Assyrian Association of Armenia “ATOUR”
Armenia, Yerevan
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