Yono For Iraqi Parliament Masoud Asso Yousif “Equality for All to Rebuild and Renew”Yono

Vote March 7, 2010
 Al-Iraqia Ballot #333 Candidate # 27
After 43 years out of Iraq, I would like to return to my wonderful homeland. I am a husband, a father to seven children and a grandfather to fifteen. I am an educated businessman and engineer, having served as a leader and consultant to several boards and committees in the United States, including many government agencies on business, civic, and international relations. I will bring my success and entrepreneurship skills to Rebuild and Renew.
Since the invasion, it’s been seven hard years for the Iraqis living without several important necessities including safety and security, jobs, municipal services, and transparency in government. My goal will be to make these services achievable and turn them around as quickly as possible. It will be my priority to encourage Iraqis living abroad to come back and contribute to the well-being of their native soil. I will work to provide every Iraqi child quality education and to give opportunities to every Iraqi adult to receive an income in order to provide the necessities to raise a family and have a home.
As a Member of Parliament, I will do everything in my power to work with my Colleagues on the Parliament floor to achieve the goals on my platform mentioned below. I also strongly believe the Civil Rights of Iraqi People are Sacred and they must be Preserved. History has shown that Minorities have been treated unfairly. Every Iraqi shall be Equal under the Law and a Fair Constitution. It shall be the Responsibility of the Parliament to protect those Rights and to provide for the Safety, Prosperity, and Well-being of Every Citizen.
Economic Development:
 Employment
 Farming, Manufacturing, and Housing
 Infrastructure and Urban Planning
 Investments: Foreign and Domestic Joint Ventures
 Government Financing: Residential and Commercial
 Strong Law Enforcement
 Self Sufficient, Well Trained, Well Equipped Police Force
 Create a Safe Environment
 Strong, Independent Judicial System Working With the Law Enforcement
 Every Iraqi Shall Receive an Education
 Rebuild Schools
 Create Higher Learning Facilities with State of the Art Technology
Health & Environment
 Modernize Medical Facilities
 Provide Quality Health Care to All
 Construct Medical Centers in Conjunction with Medical Teaching Institutions
 Clean Air and Water
 Uninterrupted Electricity
 Build Roads and Sanitary Plants