Candelight Vigil This Thursday:

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PUntitled-1lease join us for an inter-religious, inter-heritage, and inter-community candlelight vigil on
Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 7:30P.M. at
Shain Park in Birmingham.

The American Middle East Christians congress (AMECC) hosted a conference of unity on Friday, August 1, 2014 for all American Middle East church denominations and their representatives, who agreed to form an American Middle East Council of Churches and public relations committee, build bridges with other states’ Middle Eastern churches, and assist Middle East Christians in their plight.

On Monday, August 4, 2014, AMECC also hosted an inter-community and inter-heritage meeting with church leadership, civic & civil organizations, and representatives from the Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Bahai, Mandain, Arab, African-American, Michigan-ADC, Iraqi Human Rights, and other communities.

An open and frank discussion was had regarding the plight of the Christians in Iraq and other minorities, with the recommendation to have community programs that support the Iraqi Christians politically, socially, and financially, in addition to other initiatives, such as creating billboards, television and radio advertisements, and candlelight vigils.

The world’s conscience has awakened. Hopefully you and your community’s efforts can make a difference to help these victims by raising awareness to politicians, community members, and church leaders.