I’m A King.

If we add the letter “S” to the word “needles” the whole meaning will change. It becomes a new word with a new meaning “needless,” but what if we change the name of a person, would their character be changed? I don’t know. Maybe!
My name is “Sargon.” It’s an Assyrian name. Many kings used to be called “Sargon” in Mesopotamian kingdoms, thousands year ago. In fact, this name appears many times in the Bible and in the Middle East history which my father extremely loves to read. The most famous king is “Sargoun I, king of Akkad.” (Encyclopedia Britannica) He is famous because his biography is similar to that of Moses’ as a baby.
“My mother was a high priestess, my father I knew not; my father’s brothers live in the mountains; …, my mother, the high priestess, conceived me, in secret she bore me; She placed me in a basket of rushes; she sealed the lid with bitumen; She cast me into the river which did not rise over me; The river bore me up and carried me to Aqqi, the water-drawer. Aqqi, the water-drawer, lifted me out as he dipped his bucket; Aqqi, the water-drawer, adopted me, brought me up; Aqqi, the water-drawer, set me up as his gardener. As a gardener, Ishtar, loved me; for 55 years I ruled as king.” (The British museum)
So, the meaning of the name Sargon is “the true king.”
Once my father and I were sitting and I asked him about my name he explained to me the story behind my name. “When you were born, you were very small and had difficulty in breathing. The doctor wasn’t sure you would live further. She expected your life would be like a rose’s life, not more than a few days. You were my first baby; we all were praying with a very small hope that you’d survive living. Your grandfather told me,
“I dreamt last night that the baby gave me a glass of water, which is a good sign.” A few days later we left the hospital. You were still alive, but with no name yet. Later you become better and the doctor said you survived. I connected between my father’s dream and King Sargon’s life. So, as Assyrians, your mother and I decided to name you Sargon. I felt the power of this name.”
I do like my name. It reflects my personality. I feel the influence of my name on my character. Any time I was in a position where I managed people, I always was a successful person. “You are a true leader. Unfortunately you are leaving… I wish I can keep you in my unit.” My commander told me this when I was done with my military service. I see myself behind my name, king, who leads solders in battles. Even when I was in school, many of my mates and some teachers used to call me “King” or “Ya malek- ?? ??? ” which means king in the Arabic language. Especially when we had a project to do, spontaneously, the teacher gave me a look and my classmates asked if they could be in my group.
It’s known that every king has to have a kingdom, even in chess. But I don’t think a piece of land is necessary. You could be a king of love, happiness, or even of your own home. In Color of Water, by James McBride, we read that Ruth, the mother of the author, teaches her children that the eldest one is the king or queen of the house at the time the parents are not home. “Mommy’s house was an entire world that she created. She appointed the eldest child at home to be “king” or “queen” to run the house in her absence and we took it from there, creating court jesters, slaves, musicians, poets, pets, and clowns” (27) I can’t recall what kind of kingdom I have. It’s in my heart; I just love helping people who are in need. Who said helping people is not a kingdom? I have it in
my heart. In Christianity, Jesus Christ sacrificed himself to help people. In the Bible, he is mentioned as a king, yet he doesn’t have a kingdom.
Pronunciation of my name “Sargon” is very easy in the Assyrian language as well as in Arabic. [Pronunciation: (sär’gon), sahr-gon] www.dictionary.com. But in the English language people pronounce it” Sargen” or “Sargaan”. It’s not even close; it would be like calling “Sam” “George.” Since I moved to the United States, my American friends call me an abbreviated name “Sarge”. But honestly, when people call me “Sarge,” I only hear and feel the sound of five letters. When people say, “Sargon”; I really feel myself. A lot of memories are in this name beside a long Mesopotamian history such as leaders, justice, science, gods, and goddesses..
In BBC news, we read about a list of names of people who were successful in their life and some people who weren’t because of their names (BBC news, would he be even more handsome called Ryan?) In this list we read that George is least attractive name, but how come George Clooney is the most “gorgeous man”? Least successful names are: Lisa and Brian. I think we should add my name to this list. Even with all my effort in the past few years in the United States, I haven’t had the success that I’m looking for yet. Is it because of my name? It’s maybe not only because of my name. It could be because I’m not white. But, Pete Leki, a local Chicago writer, said “Listen. You don’t have to be white. Even if your skin color is light, if your eyes are blue, if your hair is blond, it doesn’t matter.” (Leki) So then the reason must be my name.
Although that is possible the case, and if people judge me negatively because of it, I would never change it for any reason. My name is a part of my history, as an
Assyrian as well as a person. I will always be “Sargon” the man with a king’s heart, brave and loyal; having the kingdom in my heart, Loving and helpful kingdom. A piece of my soul is in my name. With other names I would be just letters in a name, without history, heart or kingdom.
Works Cited
Ancient History Encyclopedia. “ Sargon of Akkad.” www.Ancient.eu.com . Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
Leki, Pete. “ You Don’t Have to Be White,” Chicago reader. 1996. Print.
McBride, James. The Color Of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute to his white mother. New York: The Brekley Publishing Group, 1996. Print.
The British Museum. “ Curriculum tablet.” www.Mesopotamia.com.uk. Web. 19 Nov. 21012.
Winterman, Denise. “ Would he be even more handsome called Ryan?” BBC News. 26 Mar.2008. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
Yakhnis, Ochana. Personal interview. 18 Oct. 2012.
Sargon Yakhnis/ Chicago