Assyrians and Australian 2011 Census

 August 9, 2011
The 16th Census of Population and Housing will take place on August 9, 2011. According to the Australian Bureaus of Statistics the Census process is crucial to communities, private institutions and all levels of government when planning infrastructure, community services and facilities where you live. Federal funding arrangements to the states and territories, including allocation of GST revenue are also based on Census information. During the Census every household and person in the country is required to answer specific questions on the paper form or through eCensus online.

Question 18 of the census addresses the Ancestry. According to the Australian Bureaus of Statistics ancestry is not necessarily related to the place a person was born rather the cultural group with which he or she most closely identifies. For example, a person may be born in Sydney but have Assyrian ancestry.

The Assyrian Universal Alliance urges all Assyrian-Australians to participate in the 2011 Census. It is crucial for all Assyrian-Australians to write ASSYRIAN when answering question 18 titled “Census Ancestry.”

Assyrian Universal Alliance