Patriarch Zakka I Iwas Calls for Abandoning All Forms of Violence, Resorting to Dialogue

20110704-003346_h1.jpgDamascus, (SANA) – Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Church and Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church Ignatius Zakka I Iwas on Sunday called for abandoning all forms of violence, supporting peace and security and stability, and adopting the language of dialogue.

In a statement, Patriarch Iwas said that the growing freedom and strong awareness serves to enrich Syria’s multiculturalism and will ensure its independence and dignity, creating an atmosphere where everyone has freedom of belief and expression.

The Patriarch voiced his constant support for social justice, rule of aw, civil peace, unity and coexistence, stressing his rejection of chaos which upsets the Syrian national fabric and affirming that he all the Syrians will confront the plots targeting the country’s future.