A Purpose-Filled Life


Chicago, Helen Talia 

In “The Prophet,” Khalil Gibran speaks of giving and says “It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” But to what capacity was he speaking when he referred to personal possessions, and did that limit giving to an act of humanity, or can we sum up that the same inference was being extenuated to personal endearments as well.

Giving Without Judging

For those who give without expecting anything in return, they have authentically climaxed to the highest level of humanity that possesses distinct characteristics out of which global awareness and social reform are born. These individuals do not suffer from the by-products of the “ego,” oftentimes associated with anxieties that seek to gain personal titles and monetary rewards. Their worldly vision sparks opportunities that create order even out of chaos.

Rarely people have achieved this level of awareness, because it rests in a state of “reverence,” that has been achieved only by a minority of spiritual leaders such as Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Buddha.

The common denominator that connected all these individuals was having the capacity to serve the greater good of humanity with a distinct power to mold societies through their ideologies and contributions. Oftentimes, these individuals were misinterpreted and misunderstood by the societies which they had come to serve, simply because they were ahead of their time, and thus the fruits of their labor were often not seen in their own lifetime. But their teachings have had profound impact on humanity for generations, one being the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose identity remains to be one of the most sought after phenomena.

Disparity of Notion

Hidden behind the façade of individuals who are enslaved to the “ego” is the constant fear of losing the “momentum,” and thus such individuals hoard, instead of “truly” give. And in order to survive past their fifteen minutes of fame, they continuously have ongoing unresolved issues that carry negative vibes and harsh remarks towards others. Seeking to settle scores, they mock, dictate, and put others down in order to feed their own ego and lift up their self esteem. They stand in judgment of others and put up fences, if for no other reason, simply to divide material possessions and property lines for the fear of the loss of their social statuses. These individuals purely operate from a physical stance (alone) and their souls vibrate in lower dimensions.

In a more geographical and political sense, these individuals quickly rise to power, yet are threatened by the same societies which they rule with an iron fist in order to maintain their status quo. And thus they place borders that divide masses of population which does no good, except fuel war zones and instigate poverty.

Depletion and Deterioration

The myriad affect of individuals who operate from a physical stance (alone) is the loss of the field energy in which we each carry our karma, and dharma, cause and affect of the signals we send out to attract people and things to ourselves, positive or negative. This form of inquisition, therefore, oftentimes leads to the deterioration of the body and the depletion of the energy. Thus, a soul that judges becomes depleted, and works in opposition of its purpose, which is to seek benedictions and move closer to becoming more God-like.

Spiritual Beings in Physical Experiences

We are all spiritual beings having physical experiences while seeking infinite possibilities to define enlightenment, but in the midst we get caught between the dualities of the flesh and the soul. And albeit operating physically in a material world, we are nonetheless called to take accountability for our actions, simply because what affects us on a physical level has a lasting impression on a soul level.

Physically, we know when we are depleted. It is when we hit a brick wall where there is nowhere left to go and nothing more to give of ourselves. This is a time when we are virtually at a loss and become counter-productive, thus a time that calls for physical rest and spiritual meditation.

The Time and Space Element

Just like time, space is another element in which we can create our healing, as well as our suffering. And thus when we move to press the “pause” button, those around us, in alliance of our lives, quickly move to “hold” the space for us as we venture to rejuvenate our depleted souls and restore our ailed bodies.

The Secret Place

In the “Secret Place” we are in oneness with our creator as we go before the altar seeking veneration (adoration), and vindication (justification) for the purpose of our birth.

In my own work of philanthropy, over time as I was able to tap more into an infinite field of energy, I slowly detached from the need to constantly prove my point of view, and thus relinquished from superficial attachments, including the “ego,” where trumpets were no longer necessary to sound off my deeds. The end results then become my soul’s purpose as I sought acquaintance with the higher self.

In our evolution, we not only begin to notice what and who is around us, but as we become more spiritually mature; we know that it is not about us and what we want for ourselves, but more about how we complete the fabric of our life. Perhaps, the most notable trait of humanity in my field of feminism has always been about sharing of the resources, but mostly breeding a new generation of activists and humanitarians, our only gateway into the future, without milking “personal glory.” Succession then becomes a legacy out of which an individual achieves immortality.

Khalil Gibran (1883 – 1931), is a Lebanese-American celebrated international poet, painter, sculptor, writer, philosopher, theologian, and visual artist, most notably known for his poetic-essays of “The Prophet,” (Almutanabbe, Arabic).