Syria Opens The Gateway to Humanity For The Assyrian Medical Society

sargis.jpgSeptember 1, 2009

Indeed, there can be miracles when you believe ~ Following the medical cases of Virigina Elias, Tony Hedo, and Balsem Nissan who are currently continuing their treatments in Syria, the Assyrian Medical Society has been able to undertake more cases. Sargis Benyamen is a 17 year old Iraqi refugee in Syria who has been diagnosed with left ear tympanic membrane perforation that has failed non-operative management. If left untreated, the patient is at risk of hearing loss in that ear and recurrent infections and tinnitus. The patient was seen, evaluated, and was advised to undergo a surgical repair.

The Medical Relief Project of the Assyrian Medical Society had approved the necessary funds (15,000 SL) for tympanoplasty. The surgery was successfully performed.

solen.jpgTahreer Mahmood Al-Zubaidy is a 28 years old Iraqi refugee in Syria who has been diagnosed with left ovarian tumor (Teratoma) for which surgical intervention was recommended. While visiting the representatives of the Assyrian Medical Society in Damascus, Syria to ask for help, she collapsed and was transferred immediately to St. Louis Hospital in Damascus, where an urgent surgical intervention was successfully performed.

The Medical Relief Project of the Assyrian Medical Society was able to cover the incurred cost of (30,000 SL). The patient is reported to be in excellent condition and is expected to make a full recovery.

Meanwhile at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Los Angeles, where Albert Davidoo is the Vice-Chairman and currently oversees the Iraqi refugee patients, case by case, “Little Solen,” who arrived with her mother Tara Israel last June, has completed two out of three surgeries and is waiting for her last one, which will most likely take place sometime in September.

tahreer.jpgSolen is a 6 years old child from Iraq who was born with a congenital absence of the right ear lobe. This will leave a life long psychological trauma on her. There are currently no capabilities to have it repaired in Iraq where she came from.

The Medical Relief Project of the Assyrian Medical Society was able to partnership with the Shriners Hospital for Children – Los Angeles, where Solen is given a chance for a plastic reconstruction, which involve a series of complex plastic surgery reconstruction procedures.

The Assyrian Medical Society applauds the international Assyrian community for supporting the greatest cause, to save humanity.

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~ Helen Talia, MBA, CPA
Director, Chicago