Reader’s view: Easter’s true message is redemption

To we cabin fever-frenzied Northlanders, almost any sign of spring is welcomed as a time of greening, blossoming and renewal. And while chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks are a fun aspect of Easter, to Christians the day marks the most important time on the religious calendar: when Jesus rose from the grave, miraculously, after dying for the redemption of all of our sins.

When he said, “I am the light of the world; whosoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,” Jesus promised us eternal life with him in heaven after we die. All we need do is admit we are sinners and are imperfect and accept him into our lives. Immediately we will feel different and start to realize how miracles have always been in our lives and more will come as we show love, generosity and forgiveness.

Jesus came down to our midst, not as a sword-wielding warrior but as a gentle lamb ready to show us the road to heaven. From his birth in a lowly stable to his agonizing death on the cross, Christ came to serve, comfort, heal, and, one day, take us to live with his father in paradise, forever. A free gift to all of us, no matter what our sins.

The Bible teaches that God so loved the world he gave his only son, and that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Happy and blessed Easter to all and God bless America.

Rosemarie and Dennis P. Mitchell
