Iraqi Pastor on Reaching the Muslim Mideast for Jesus

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Exclusive interview with Pastor Bashar Haddad on Mideast evangelism and Christians as peacemakers
by Ryan Jones 
Pastor Bashar Haddad today serves at San Jose Christian Alliance Church in California. But he was born in Iraq, and much of his ministry still focuses on reaching Muslims in his home country.

You don’t often hear about concerted evangelism efforts in the Muslim Arab world. Indeed, this writer was surprised to learn over the past several decades that in Israel, one of the few places in the Middle East where Christians are truly free to express their faith, very few engage in direct witness to their Muslim neighbors. In fact, most see it as wholly unnecessary to speak with their Islamic countrymen about Jesus.

But Pastor Haddad is among those rare few who view Islam as a dark deception that must give way before the light of faith in Christ. To that end, he hosts the “Sons of Rafidain” program on the Arabic-language Christian television network Al Hayat.

Israel Today spoke with Pastor Haddad about the status of Arab Christians and the state of evangelism in the Muslim Middle…