Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:Blessings and prayers you may receive:

Since His grace Mar Meels Zia took the responsibility of the office of interchurch relations has organized many committees to better serve the needs of the beloved sons and daughters of the Holy Church and to achieve the mission of the Assyrian church of the East. Some of these Committees are as follows: The ACERO, Media, Education and many others. Since I was blessed with the Privilege of the headship of the Education Committee the following works were accomplished.
1- A Catechism of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East was published and 1000 copies were freely distributed to the young sons and daughters of the Church.
2- The Liturgy of the funeral service of the Assyrian church of the East has been translated from Aramaic into Arabic. This funeral liturgy currently has been used in Chicago.
3- The Commentary of Both Mar Narsai and Mar Youkhnan Bar Zoabee have been translated from Aramaic into English ready to be published.
4- A periodical Youth magazine under the name of the “seed of faith” has been constantly published and distributed.
5- Numerous lectures and speeches have been organized and aired through Church Radio and Television stations.
6- A Bible study lesson on a weekly basis has been organized and e.mailed to as many young sons and daughters of the Church as possible.
7- The plans and efforts will continue to equip the beloved sons and daughters of the Holy Church with the teachings of the Holy apostolic Church of the.
8- At the present time we are planning to use the blessings of the new technology in the work of the Church ministry. Every week a lesson will be sent out to all the sons and daughters of the Holy Church we have their e-mail address in our position. Those who are teaching Bible study in any parish of the Church of the East can benefit from its contents. Parents can use it to teach their beloved sons and daughters and raise them in the teachings of their Holy Church. Those individuals, who wish to organize small group Bible study in their neighborhood, can use the material e-mailed to him as a main source. Please lets all as one united body work together in love and harmony to spread the teachings of the Assyrian church of the East to all our sons and daughters were ever the place of their residency may have been. This is not a ministry that one person alone can accomplish. Please be part of this revival ministry of the Assyrian Church of the East at least by forwarding the e-mails you may receive from us to those individuals whom you possess their e-mail address. I believe if we trust in one another and in Jesus Christ we can do Miracles. With can we can do the impossible possible. May God the Father bless our Holy church, our beloved prelates, and all the clergy. May the grace of our lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon us al. Amen